Drupal modules

NameWhat it is for


Views plugin to display views containing dates as Calendars. Adds "Calendar" format and provides "Calendar Entity".

Enabled by default.
It's used by: "Calendar absence list" Drupal View

CiviCRM Resources

Loading Civicrm js and css files in drupal.

As following the example from README.txt:
- civicrm_resources_load('org.civicrm.hrjobcontract', array('gulpfile.js', 'contact.js', '*.css'));
This will load all css files and 2 js files listed in array located anywhere in extension "Job Contract (CiviHR)".

Currently we do such things differently:
$jsOptions = array('type' => 'file', 'scope' => 'footer');
drupal_add_js(CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->getUrl('org.civicrm.hrjobcontract') . "js/gulpfile.js", $jsOptions);
for adding scripts to Drupal pages.

Enabled by default.
It's used in Angular SSP apps to load resources/assets from CiviCRM extensions

CiviHR Contact Summary

Provides civiHR Contact Summary functionality as a CiviCRM custom tab.
Enables /contact-summary page (which contains no content so far).

Disabled by default.
Not used. 

CiviHR Employee Portal

Main Drupal module which keeps whole SSP code.

Enabled by default.

CiviHR HRJobContract Entities

Integrate CiviHR HRJobContract Entities with Drupal.
Provides Drupal entities of civicrm HRJobContract extension.
Also adds relationships to CiviCRM contact for the Absence Entity. - this probably should be moved out of this module.

Enabled by default.
Used by SSP module. 

CiviHR Site Builder

Build site based on required settings.
Provides a /site_builder/build page which starts to build a buildkit site in the background by executing php code with pretty much hardcoded patchs and file names:

$buildkit_url = '/var/www/civicrm-buildkit';
$cmd = 'sh ' . $buildkit_url . '/site-builder.sh test-2015';
$outputfile = $buildkit_url . '/site-builder-out-2015.log';
$pidfile = $buildkit_url . '/site-builder-pids-2015.log';

// This will start a background process and will build the site
// It will populate the .log file / each build so we can check the progress of the build
// It will also append the pids file to track what pids the process is using
exec(sprintf("%s > %s 2>&1 & echo $! >> %s", $cmd, $outputfile, $pidfile));

Disabled by default.
Not used. 

Picture Upload Camera

Provides functionality to take user profile picture from the device Camera stream.
Provides Drupal.behaviors.picture_upload_camera_snapshot Javascript functionality which allows to use camera to upload pictures.
Used on 'user_profile_form' (/user/%/edit and /user/%/edit/account).

Disabled by default.
Requires: Canvas_field module (which is missing by default). 

CiviHR Leave and Absences

Sub-module of CiviHR Employee Portal. Provides CiviHR Leave and Absences functionality on the SSP

  1. Contains My Leave block that can fetch custom markup from pre-defined template file and also an angular js app defined for My Leave block that will be use to place block in whatever page/view is necessary.
  2. Contains My Leave Page that will contains all the required sections like views , blocks and pages related to Leave and Absences.
Yoti connect

SSP Features

NameWhat it is for

CiviHR Default Permissions

Contains SSP permissions defaults. Every new or modified SSP permission should be defined there.

civiHR Employee Portal features

Main SSP feature containing layouts, views and blocks configuration for SSP pages.

Node export files

Contains "My Details" and "Emergency Contact" webforms.

Username to external ID

Populates External ID field for newly created Contacts. Removed by PCHR-1617 ticket.